
BALtees is Featured on Indie Minded!

Indie Minded features the newest and hottest brands around, and BALtees was added to their list this morning! Check out the BALtees spotlight!


 In preparation of our new and upcoming line, all tanks and Ravens tees have been put on a huge sale! It's time to break out some new style!!


It's true! Log on to and join the league for free! Our league name is BALTEESnfl. There are only 10 spots so hurry and sign up. The best team at the end of the season gets a FREE BALtee! That's whats up!!!!

Women's Line Coming Soon

Ladies- don't worry, in no time you will be able to rock BALtees apparel just like the guys do. Even though the tees are made for girls and guys, a line is being set up specifically for the ladies who want to show off their Baltimore Swag. BALtees is constantly coming out with new designs, so hold tight and keep an eye out for that ladies' line!

Give Us Your Feedback!

As exciting as it is to have to have the first batch of orders come in, it's also a lot of work! BALtees wants to keep its customers happy, and to keep them coming back! We would love some feedback from those who are now owners of BALtee apparel. If your not rocking our apparel yet, let us know what you see in the BALtees line, what you think about the site, and the goal of BALtees, which is to help Baltimore City kids! Don't be shy! As a baby business, we are open to suggestions!

WBAL Kids Campaign

There are so many families in Baltimore City who cannot afford to provide their kids with what they need to get a proper education. These things include books, school uniforms, and simple school supplies like pencils and notebooks. With the purchase of every t-shirt from BALtees, 10% of that purchase will go to the WBAL Kids Campaign in attempt to provide kids with what they need to grow and learn in the way they deserve. Remember, these kids are our future, so we need to help them in order to provide a better future for ourselves. To learn more about the campaign, visit

Up and Running!

The site is finally up and running! It still is and always will be a work in progress, but is fully functional and ready to fulfill orders! Thank you everyone who has helped out and supported my idea, and a big thank you in advance to those who will stick around to help out in the future. I love Baltimore City and I hope people will share the love with me! I want to bring people together through common interests (that interest being Baltimore City) and also give those people a chance to help out their city.

Welcome to BALtees

We create limited edition apparel for a unique audience. Each print is inspired by a piece of the city, conceptualized and designed to tell Baltimore’s story. We are artists who love this city and its eclectic style. If you love Baltimore as much as we do, show it off with a BALTEE.